Abstract:The Xinqiao S-Fe-Cu-Au ore field is located in the Tongling ore cluster in Middle-Lower Yangtze Valley. There have been various opinions concerning the genetic type of this orefield put forward by different geologists in recent years, such as sedimentary_reformation type, stratabound-skarn type and sedimentary submarine rock_hosted exhalative type. Based on nearly ten years of systematic geological field observation and analysis of Pb and S isotopic composition of the Xinqiao orefield, the authors hold that it was formed in two ore_forming periods. The first period took place during the syngenetic sedimentary process, whereas massive sulphide ore bodies were mainly formed during the second period, i.e., the Yanshanian granitic magnatism. The sulfide metallic mineral associations show zoning around a granite intrusion, in order of magnetite, pyrite → pyrite, chalcopyrite and native gold→ pyrite, sphalerite and galena. The gold ore bodies occur outside the contact zone of the granite intrusion.
臧文拴,吴淦国,张 达,张祥信,李进文,刘爱华,张忠义.2007.浅析安徽省新桥S-Fe矿田的成因[J].矿床地质,26(4):464~474.2007.A preliminary discussion on genesis of Xinqiao S-Fe orefield [J].Mineral Deposits26(4):464~474