中文摘要:数学模型是矿床深部资源量定量化预测一个重要手段,其中品位_吨位 模型是一个广泛应用的数学模型,在该模型中,远景资源量为研究区源岩中成矿元素总量的 函数。利用该模型,计算胶东构造蚀变岩型金矿远景资源量时,发现由于成矿源岩范围难以 确定,而使模型应用准确性受到制约。基于断裂带蚀变岩型金矿的特征,修正了品位_吨位 模型。在修正后的模型中,远景资源量为蚀变岩总质量的函数,另包括3个参数:蚀变区元 素 背景含量(由多标度分形决定)、元素工业品位及矿体品位分布分维值。利用修正后的品位 _吨位模型,有效地估算了胶东大尹格庄金矿-1000 m以上的理想金属量,得出远景矿石量 为5.26×107t,金属量为2.89×105 kg,与实际地质情况相吻合。
Abstract:Mathematical modeling is an important approach to estimating the deposit reserve s, and the grade_tonnage model is widely applied. In the model, the idea l reserves are constrained by the following four parameters: the total element m ass of the source rock (M0), regional background value of element (C0), mean production grade of element (C), and fractal dimension of the grade and tonnage (D). During the application of the to the reserve estimat ion of the Dayin gezhuang deposit, a typical structural altered rock type deposi t in the Jiaodong ore cluster area, the authors found that the application was r estricted due to the difficulty in defining the boundaries of the source rock. B ased on basic features of the structural altered rock type deposit, the authors modified the grade_tonnage model so as to make an effective prediction of the r eserves of the deposit. In the modified model, the same four parameters are endo wed with different meanings: M0 is the total mass of altered rock, C i s the mean element production_grade, C0 is the element background value in th e altered rock area estimated by the two_scale fractal model of the distribution of element grade, and D represents the fractal dimension in the larger scal e of the fractal model. The ore reserves of the Dayingezhuang deposit est imated by this modified model are up to 5.26×107 ton, and the metal re serves are 2.89×10 5 kg, showing a coherence between the estimated reserves and the geological co nditions.
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No. 40572063)、教育部跨世纪人才培养计划、地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目(GPMR0528、0529)和中国博士后科学基金(2005038361)
王庆飞,万 丽,刘学飞.2007.典型构造蚀变岩型金矿远景资源量数学模型与预测[J].矿床地质,26(3):341~345.2007.Mathematical modeling and estimation of reserves of typical structural altered rock type gold deposit[J].Mineral Deposits26(3):341~345