
Metallogenic type, tectonic setting, and resource potential of Ertix gold ore belt in northern Xinjiang
闫升好,王义天,张招崇,陈柏林,陈 文


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中文摘要:通过广泛的地质调查、同位素测年和综合对比研究,探讨了阿尔泰地区金矿的成矿类型、地球动力学背景及资源潜力。综合研究表明,岩金矿床主要产于海西构造层的强变形、浅变质构造带,属浅成造山型金矿;成矿时代集中在310~270 Ma;成矿作用与后碰撞阶段岩石圈拆沉引发的构造-岩浆活动有关。对比研究表明,目前发现的金矿床(点)仅相当于区域变质流体成矿系统的浅部,主体部分由于中生代以来的大规模逆冲推覆构造而未能抬升剥露出来。受两次构造抬升影响,加里东构造建造带的造山型金矿基本剥蚀殆尽,而海西构造建造带是寻找岩金矿床的主要远景区。
Abstract:Primary gold deposits have become the main source of gold production in the Altay region since the 1980s, although this region teemed with placer gold in hi story. Nevertheless, no large-size primary gold deposits have been found in the past 20 years. Based on extensive field geological survey and isotopic chronolog ical study, combined with data available, the authors intend to discuss the meta llogenic types and tectonic setting of gold deposits in the Altay region in the light of the evolution of the orogenic belt and, what is more, attempt to answ er the questions of the gold potential and ore_search prospects in the terrane at the province scale by a comparative study with some typical orogenic gold pr ovinces of Paleozoic orogenic belts in the world. A comprehensive review of the principal characteristics of gold deposits in th e Altay region has led the authors to reach some new conclusions: the major prim ary gold deposits are confined in the highly-stressed and epimetamorphic structu ral belt; the mineralization style, mineral assemblage, and ore-forming fluid ar e similar to those of epizonal orogenic gold deposits defined by Groves et al. ( 1998); isotopic ages of gold deposits are clustered in the range of 310~270 Ma, corresponding to Late Carboniferous to Early Permian; gold mineralization i s assoc iated with the post-collisional structural-magmatic activities at the late stage of the Hercynianorogeny; the tectonic setting of the gold metallogeny seem s to be the diapiric upwelling of asthenosphere mantle due to the delamination o f th e lithosphere mantle during the post_orogeny stage, which resulted in the pr omin ent temporal-spatial coupling relationship of the gold deposits to the mantle-de rived mafic-ultramafic intrusive bodies and alkali-rich granitoids; the associat ed gold deposits can be classified into three subtypes, namely, gold in VMS and SEDEX Fe-Cu-Pb-Zn deposits, gold in porphyry-skarn Cu-Mo deposits, and go ld in magmatic Cu-Ni sulfide deposits. A comparative study shows that there actually exist the necessary tectonic s etting, geological conditions and regional metamorphic fluid system in the Altay region. The discovered medium-small size gold deposits and numerous ore spo ts m ay merely represent the upper part of the regional mineralization system, wherea s the main part has not yet been denuded and uplifted because of the crustal thr usting-napping since Mesozoic.Due to the Caledonian and Hercynian orogenic events, the formerly-formed oro genic gold deposits in the central part of the Altay region (Kalong-Keketuohai-Q inghe) had almost been denuded and changed into the widely distributed placer go ld deposits. On the contrary, the southern Altay region (probably including the Nuoerte region), which possesses abundant Devonian to Carboniferous volcanic rocks, and, especially, the known Fe-Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization belt, are m o st favorable targets in search for orogenic and associated gold deposits.

闫升好,王义天,张招崇,陈柏林,陈 文.2006.新疆额尔齐斯金矿带的成矿类型、地球动力学背景及资源潜力[J].矿床地质,25(6):693~704
闫升好,王义天,张招崇,陈柏林,陈 文.2006.Metallogenic type, tectonic setting, and resource potential of Ertix gold ore belt in northern Xinjiang[J].Mineral Deposits25(6):693~704
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