
Geological characteristics and genesis of gold deposits in Upper Heilongjiang Basin


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Abstract:Upper Heilongjiang Basin is an important gold metallogenic province found recent ly. Gold deposits such as Shabaosi, Laogou, Shabaosilinchang and Ergenhe are str ictly controlled by nearly EW_trending Luoguhe_Ergenhe brittle_ductile shear zon e, and the ore bodies normally occur in SN-, NE- and NW- trending subsidiary ten sio-shear fractures, which were derived from the ductile shear zone. In order to probe into the genetic types of Shabaosi, Laogou and other gold deposits as wel l as the ore prospecting potential in this area, the authors carried out a detai led field investigation, and studied geological characteristics of typical depos its. Meanwhile, based on the homogenization temperature, whole components, Laser Raman Microprobe analyses of fluid inclusions in quartz, and H, O, S and Pb iso topes, the authors systematically discussed the metallogenesis of the gold depos its. The results show that these gold deposits are characterized by poor sulfide s with ≤3% sulfide minerals (mainly pyrite). Fluid inclusions in the gold depo sits can be divided into aqueous two_phase type, CO2-bearing three-phase type and pure CO2 type. The sulfur, lead, hydrogen and oxygen isotopic components o f typical ores and ore_forming fluids indicate that δ34S values of sulfid es (pyrite, pyrrhotite and stibnite) range from -1.6‰ to 9.6‰, δ18O val ues of ore_forming fluids from -1.3‰ to +6.6‰, while δD from -89‰ to -135‰. Lead isotopes of ores have characteristics of the orogenic belt. The cations of the ore_forming fluids are mainly Na+ and K+, while the anions are chiefly Cl - and SO2-4. The vapor_phase components of the ore_forming fluids are composed mainly of H2O, CO2 and N2, with minor amounts of H2, O2, CO, CH4, C2H4, C2H6, C3H8, C6H6 and H2, whereas the content of CH4 evidently increased at the late ore-forming stage. The ore-forming fluids belong to H2O-NaCl-CO2-CH4 system characterized by low salinity (averagely 5.0%). The homogenization temperature of fluid inclusions ranges from 266.5℃ t o 295.2℃, belonging to the mesothermal type. The ore type is of Au_Sb associati on. Studies show that the gold deposits are similar to the orogenic gold deposit s in geological and geochemical characteristics, and can hence be assigned to th e epizonal orogenic subtype. The formation of the ore deposits was closely relat ed to Mongolia-Okhotsk orogeny.

武 广,孙丰月,朱 群,李之彤,丁清峰,李广远,庞庆帮,王宏博.2006.上黑龙江盆地金矿床地质特征及成因探讨[J].矿床地质,25(3):215~230
.2006.Geological characteristics and genesis of gold deposits in Upper Heilongjiang Basin[J].Mineral Deposits25(3):215~230
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