中文摘要:文章通过对碰撞造山型斑岩铜矿床——冈底斯斑岩铜矿带中的2个典型矿 床(驱龙和厅宫)早期钾化石英脉中多相包裹体的扫描电镜/能谱研究,有效地弥 补了以往研究中遗漏的成矿流体中有用组分信息,对成矿流体性质及成矿过程有了更为清晰 的认识。扫描电镜/能谱研究表明,驱龙、厅宫矿床中多相包裹体中的子矿物,除常见的石 盐及钾盐外,还含有重晶石、方解石、黄铜矿、钛铁矿及其他以Fe、Cu_Fe为主要元素的未 知矿物。这些结果表明,成矿流体为富含Cu、Fe、Ti、Mn、S等成矿元素的高氧化态岩浆热 液;黄铜矿、钛铁矿、重晶石等子矿物与石盐、钾盐子矿物共同产出,暗示直接从斑岩岩浆 中出溶的高盐度流体是成矿物质组分搬运的主要载体。
Abstract:Most porphyry copper deposits (PCDs) generally occur in island arcs and conti nental marginal arcs along convergent plate boundaries. It has been recently rec ognized that the continent_collision zone is also important for PCDs, as can be seen in the study of the Gangdese PCDs belt. In order to understand characterist ics and evolutionary processes of the ore_forming fluids, the authors chose earl y quartz from Qulong and Tinggong, two most important PCD deposits in Gangdese b elt, for SEM/EDS analysis. Besides common halite and sylvite, some other kinds o f daughter minerals, such as barite, calcite, chalcopyrite, ilmenite and a few u nidentified minerals containing mainly Fe, Cu_Fe were identified during the anal ysis. It is thus concluded that the primary solution in the Gangdese PCDs belt i s a kind of highly oxidized magma fluids enriched in copper, iron, titanium, man ganese and sulfur. Based on the coexistence of chalcopyrite, ilmenite, barite, h alite and sylvite in the multiphase inclusions, the authors also hold that hyper saline liquid (or brine) exsolved directly from porphyry magma might have been t he main carrier in the transport of ore_forming materials.
杨志明,谢玉玲,李光明,徐九华.2006.西藏冈底斯斑岩铜矿带成矿流体的扫描电镜(能谱)约束[J].矿床地质,25(2):147~154杨志明,谢玉玲,李光明,徐九华.2006.SEM/EDS constraints on nature of ore_forming fluids in Gangdese porphyry coppe r belt: Case studies of Qulong and Tinggong deposits[J].Mineral Deposits25(2):147~154