
Continental Collision and Related Metallogeny: A Case Study of Mineralization in Tibetan Orogen


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中文摘要:青藏高原碰撞造山带以其成矿规模大、形成时代新、矿床类型多、保 存条件好诸特征而被誉为研究大陆成矿作用的天然实验室。文章基于青藏高原已有的矿产勘 查与研究成果,概述了大陆碰撞过程中的主要成矿作用及其成矿带的时空分布,初步分析了 陆_陆碰撞所造就的成矿背景和成矿环境以及控制成矿作用的关键地质过程,并草拟了可供 今后研究的工作模型。初步研究认为,始于60 Ma的印度大陆与亚洲大陆碰撞至少形成了3个 重要的控矿构造单元,即雅鲁藏布江以北的主碰撞变形带,雅鲁藏布江以南的藏南拆离_逆 冲带和高原东缘的藏东构造转换带。主碰撞变形带以巨大规模的地壳缩短、双倍地壳加厚、 大规模逆冲系和SN向正断层系统发育为特征,控制了冈底斯斑岩铜矿带(含浅成低温热液金 矿)、安多锑矿化带和风火山铜矿化带及腾冲锡矿带的形成及分布;藏南拆离_逆冲带由藏南 拆离系(STDS)和一系列北倾的叠瓦状逆冲断裂带构成,控制了藏南变质核杂岩型金矿化、热 液脉型金锑矿化和蚀变破碎带型金锑矿化的形成;藏东构造转换带以发育大规模走滑断裂系 统、大型剪切带、富碱斑岩带和走滑拉分盆地为特征,控制了玉龙斑岩铜矿带、哀牢山和锦 屏山金矿带及兰坪盆地银多金属矿带的分布。按成矿系统的基本思想,初步将青藏高原碰撞 造山带的成矿作用划分为3个成矿巨系统:大陆俯冲碰撞成矿巨系统、陆内走滑_剪切成矿巨 系统和碰撞后伸展成矿巨系统。在大陆俯冲碰撞阶段,主要发育与流体迁移汇聚和排泄有关 的锑金铜热液成矿系统和碰撞期花岗岩岩浆_流体锡稀有金属成矿系统;伴随陆_陆碰撞而发 生的陆内走滑_剪切作用,主要导致了走滑拉分盆地银多金属热液成矿系统、斑岩型铜钼金 成矿系统和剪切带型金成矿系统的形成;在碰撞后伸展阶段,主要发育受SN向正断层系统控 制的斑岩铜矿成矿系统、浅成低温热液金矿成矿系统和热水沉积铯锂硼金属成矿系统。在此 基础上,初步提出了碰撞造山带成矿作用的构造控制模型。
Abstract:Metallogeny in the collisional orogen is an important research frontier for econ omic geologists both in China and abroad. The Himalayan-Tibetan orogen, which is characterized by the occurrence of large-scale, intense and young mineralizatio ns as well as various kinds of large-size and weakly reformed deposits, is regar ded as an ideal field for understanding ore-forming processes in collisional oro gens. Based on data available and the authors' preliminary research results, th is paper describes geological features and temporal-spatial distribution of impo rtant ore deposits in the Tibetan orogen, discusses geodynamic settings, mineral environments, and key geological processes governing the formation of these dep osits, and proposes a possible working model for metallogeny in the Tibetan orog en. It seems that the Indo_Asian continent collision since 60 Ma resulted at lea st in the formation of three significant tectonic units controlling the developm ent of ore deposits in the Tibetan orogen. They are: (1) the main collisional de formation zone north of IYS, (2) the southern Tibet detachment-thrust zone south of IYS, and (3) the eastern Tibet tectonic transformation zone. In the main col lisional deformation zone characterized by the development of large-scale crusta l shortening, thickening and thrusting as well as SN-striking normal faulting sy stems across the zone, there have occurred since Paleocene the Gangdese porphyr y (-epithermal) Cu-(Au) belt, the Ando Sb mineralization belt and the Fenghuosh an sandstone Cu mineralization belt in Tibet, and the Tengchong Sn belt in weste rn Yunnan. In the southern Tibet detachment-thrust zone, the STDS and a series o f thrusting systems control the Au-Sb hydrothermal mineralizations related to me tamorphic core-complexes and tectonic_controlled fracture zones. Characterized by the development of large-sized strike-slip faulting systems constraining the localization of ore-bearing potassic porphyry intrusion groups, large-sized shea r belts and strike-slip pullapart basins in the transpressional regime, the eas tern Tibet tectonic transformation zone has controlled the Yulong porphyry Cu belt, the Ailaoshan and Jinpingshan gold belts, and the Lanping Ag polymetallic be lt. According to the concept of the ore-forming system, the authors have divided the mineralizations in the Tibetan orogen into three ore-forming super_systems related respectively to (1) continental collision and subduction since Paleocene , (2) strike-slip and shearing associated with collision, and (3) post-collision al extension at mid-Miocene. In the first super_system, the Au_Sb_Cu system was formed by fluid migration and hydrothermal discharging in the pressure regime, a ccompanied by continental convergence, whereas the Sn and rare metal system was produced by the emplacement of syncollisional granite and magmatic-hydrothermal activity. In the second system, stress relaxation during the formation of strik eslip pullapart basins resulted in the escaping of hydrothermal fluids from po rous strata in basins or porphyry magmatic chambers and thus formed the Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu system and the porphyry Cu-Au system, whereas the shearing process led to th e formation of the Au system related to the shear-zone. In the third super-syste m, post-collisional crustal extension and normal fault systems controlled the lo calization of Cu-bearing porphyry intrusions, which drove convection circulation of hydrothermal fluids and formed the epithermal and hot-spring Au-Sb system. On the basis of the above analysis, a preliminary working model is proposed for t he tectonic constraint over the ore-forming processes in the Tibetan orogen.

.2003.Continental Collision and Related Metallogeny: A Case Study of Mineralization in Tibetan Orogen [J].Mineral Deposits22(4):319~333
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