
Isotopic geochemistry of copper deposits in sandstone and shale of Lanping-Simao basin, western Yunnan


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中文关键词:砂页岩  铜矿床  同位素  地球化学  兰坪  思茅盆地  云南
Abstract:The copper deposits occurring in Lanping-Simao basin of western Yunnan are a new type of copper deposits with many unique features. The cooper deposits exist in Mesozoic and Cenozoic clastic formation com posed of sandstone, siltite and argillite. The copper ore-bodies mostly occur in the host rocks not only in veinlike and network form s but also in bed-ded-quasibedded and lens-like forms. Ores have very simple mineral assemblages. Over 20 mineral species have been identified. Besides ordinary sulfides of such copper minerals as chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite, bornite and chalcocite, there are also other minerals like pyrite, galena, sphalerite, azurite, stibnite, quartz, calcite, ferroandolomite and barite. Ore fabrics are characterized mainly by veinlike, network, brecciated form s and subordinately by bedded, laminated, disseminated forms. Wallrock alterations are mostly silication, calcitization and baritization. δ34S values in the opper deposits are -35.6‰ ~ +7.0‰ in sulfides and +7.7‰ ~ +16.8‰ in sulfates. δ13C values are -22. 4‰ ~ -23.7‰ for organic carbon, -7. 4‰ ~ +0.8‰ for calcite and ferroan dolomite, -10. 8‰ ~ -3.1‰ for CO2 of inclusion fluids in quartz and -32.1‰ ~ 22.2‰ for CH4 of inclusions in quartz. δ30Si values are -0.3‰~0.0‰ in quartz and- 0.3‰ ~ +0.1‰ in rocks. Lead isotopic ratios of hydrothermal minerals including sulfides and quartz are 206Pb/204Pb= 18.120 ~ 18. 962, 207Pb/204Pb= 15.556~15.793, and 208Pb/204Pb= 38.552~39.298, while those of rocks are 206Pb/240Pb= 18.524~19.268, 207Pb/204Pb=15.587 ~ 15.634, and 207Pb/204Pb= 38.431 ~ 38.914. Hydrothermal fluids have δ18O values of -10.4‰ ~ + 8.4‰, which were obtained on the basis of the isotope fractionation equation of quartz-water, barite-water and calcite-water and the δD values of -137‰ ~ -30‰. The above-described isotopic studies show that the ore-forming solution was mainly derived from the paleometeoric water. The amount of the hydrothermal fluids in mineralizing and altering systems was relatively small. Lead in the ores came mainly from country rocks and underlying rocks and partly from deeper sources. Sulfur, silicon and carbon were derived from many sources such as the red clastic formation, volcanoclastic rocks and basic rocks. The recent tendencious idea about the genesis of the deposits is that the deposits under went two ore-forming periods, the sedimentary period and the hydrothermal mineralization period. The former was a stage of preliminary enrichment of ore materials and the formation of the source bed, whereas the latter was a stage of the formation of ore-bodies. Formed in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic clastic rock formation com posed of sandstone, siltite and shale, the copper deposits are com parable with typical sandstone and/or shale-type copper deposits in other parts of the world. However, the authors have found through the systematic study of the deposits that there are obviously differences between the typical sandstone and/or shale type copper deposits and the studied type. Many features of the copper deposits are similar to those of hydrothermal mineralization areas. It is show n that the copper deposits of the study area have unique m etallogenic mechanism.

刘家军, 李朝阳, 潘家永, 胡瑞忠, 刘显凡, 张 乾.2000.兰坪-思茅盆地砂页岩中铜矿床同位素地球化学[J].矿床地质,19(3):223~234
.2000.Isotopic geochemistry of copper deposits in sandstone and shale of Lanping-Simao basin, western Yunnan[J].Mineral Deposits19(3):223~234
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