
Metallochronology of molybdenum (-copper) deposits in the north China platform: Re-Os age of molybdenite and its geological significance


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中文摘要:华北地台北缘的燕辽和南缘的东秦岭两个铜矿带闻名遐迩。本文用同位素稀释-等离子体质谱法,直接测定了燕辽钼矿带中兰家沟钼矿床的Re-Os等时线年龄为 (186.5±0.7)×106 a,杨家杖子和肖家营子钼矿床的Re-Os模式年龄为(187±2)×l06~(191±6)×l06 a和(177±5)×l06 a,小寺沟和寿下坟铜(钼)矿床的Re-Os模式年龄为(134±3)×106 a和(148±4)×l06 a,大湾和大庄科例矿床的Re-Os模式年龄为(144.4±7.4)×106 a和(144.7±10. 7)×106 ~ (147.1±6.6)×l06 a。结合东秦岭钼矿带内钼矿床的Re-Os年龄,证明华北地台内有甲元古代锢矿化,两个钼矿带l和的钼或铜(钼)矿床的成矿时代主要为印支期和燕山早期或中-晚期。Re-Os法不仅是直接测定钼(铜)硫化物矿床成矿年龄的一种新手段,而且所获结果为研究区域成矿演化提供了确实的依据。
Abstract:The North China platform is the most important molybdenum metallogenic province of China, which consists of the Yanliao molybdenum ore belt of the northern margin and the East Qinling molybdenum ore belt on the southern margin. The two molybdenum ore belts are controlled by the Mesozoic tectonic-magmatic belts in the Yanshan platform fold belt and the Henan-Shaanxi uplifting area as well as their molybdenum geochemical anomalous fields. Molybdenum (-copper) sulfide deposits had been traditionally dated by indirect methods such as K-Ar or Rb-dating techniques, in which ages were determined by measuring isotopes of intrusive rocks related to mineralization, minerals from altered wall rocks, and gangue minerals from orebodies. In our study, ID-ICP-MS technique was used, which directly determined Re-Os ages of molybdenites from molybdenum or copper-molybdenum deposits. The results obtained show that (1) the Tongkuanyu metaporphyry type copper-molybdenum deposit (with the Re-Os isochron age of 2108×l06 a) and the Bizigou sedimentary metamorphic copper-molybdenum deposit (with the Re-Os model ages of 1919×l06 ~ 1980×l06 a) in the Shanxi platform uplift were formed respectively in early period and late period of Early Proterozoic; (2) Mineralization of molybdenum or copper-molybdenum deposits in the Yanliao molybdenum ore belt took place in early Yanshanian period (the Re-Os isochron age of the Jianjiagou porphyry molybdenum deposit is 185.5×l06 a, the Re-Os model model ages of the Yangjiazhangzik and Xiaojiayingzi skarn type molybdenum deposits are 187×l06 ~ 191×l06 a and 177×l06 a, respectively) and middle-late Yanshanian periods ( the Re-Os model age of the Dazhuangke explosive breccia type molybdenum deposit is 144.4×l06 a, the Re-Os model ages of the Xiaosigou and Shouwangfen porphyry skarn type copper-molybdenum deposits are 134×l06 a and 148×l06 a, respectively). The mineralization ages of molybdenum73 deposits in the East Qinling molybdenum deposits are dominantly Indosinian ( the Re-Os isochron age of the Huanglongpu carbonatite vein type molybdenum (lead) deposit is 221×l06 a) and middle-late Yarishaniari (the Re-Os isochron age of the Narinihu-Sandaozhuang porphyry skarn molybdenum tungsten deposit is 147×l06 a, the Re-Os model ages of the Jinduicheng and Shijiawan porphyry molybdenum deposits are 129×l06 ~ 139×l06 a and 138×l06 a, respectively). Despite the existence of the early Proterozoic molybdenum mineralization in the North China platform, the molybdenum ore deposits of the Yanshanian or Indosinian period are of the highest economic value. The above results provide valuable Re-Os ages for the understanding of the evolution of molybdenum or copper-molybdenum mineralization in the North China platform.

.1996.Metallochronology of molybdenum (-copper) deposits in the north China platform: Re-Os age of molybdenite and its geological significance[J].Mineral Deposits15(4):365~372
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