
The discovery of quartz keratophyre in Langshan group of the Dongshengmiao ore district and its significance


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Abstract:The Dongskengmiao polymetallic sulfide deposit,located at tile Western end of the Inner Mongolian axis and Oil the southern limb of the langshan anticlinorium, is one of the representative ore deposits in the western part of the Proterozoic polymetallic belt on the northern margin of the North China platform. Ore-bearing strata are of Middle Proterozoic Langshan Group, whose degree of metamorphism is generally as high as greenschist facies and locally reaches amphibolites facies, with obvious characteristics of multiphase deformation. Langshan Group, dated isotopically from 1000×106 to 1600 × 106a,consists of fine-crystalline dolomite marble and marble, phyllite, schist(mica schist and quartz-albite-sericite schist), quartzite, migmatite, quartz-albite leucogranulitite and quartz-albite granulite. In terms of rock association, it might be divided in upward succession into three formations composed of nine lithologic members with sulfur, zinc, lead and copper sulfides and siderite beds seen in the three members of the second formation.The protoliths of quartz-albite leucogranulitite and granulite as well as quartz-albite-sericite schist are believed to be quartz keratophyrie rocks, as can be proved by the following evidence: (1) they occur as beds in concordance with the overlying and underlying strata;(2) the rocks are enriched in Na and deficient in K:Na2O=3.64%~5.31%>,K2O=1.62%~2.66%, K2O+ Na2O =6.30%~7.0%, K2O/(K2O+ Na2O) =0.23~0.42, SiO2=70.47%~72.44%, and Fe2O3/FeO=0.0 7~0.31: (3) petrochemical diagrams by Niggli and others show the protoliths to be igneous rocks;(4) lead isotopic model ages are 1118×106~1187×106a.Quartz keratophyric rocks are seen in the same horizon as sulfur, zinc, lead and copper as well as siderite ore beds or even occur as intercalations in siderite beds. Based on the relationship between quartz keratophyric rocks and various orebodies combined with geological characteristics of the ore deposit and geological-structural settings far metallization, it is thought that the Dongshengmiao are deposit was formed in an environment of middle Proterozoic submarine volcanic activity.The confirmation of the existence of quartz keratoptlyric rocks in Langshan Group of the Dongshengmiao ore district contributes to the regional correlation and also conducive to the ore prospecting work in outskirts of the ore district and other areas with similar stratigraphic and geological conditions.

.1993.The discovery of quartz keratophyre in Langshan group of the Dongshengmiao ore district and its significance[J].Mineral Deposits12(3):273~283,286
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