
The sedimentary-reformation origin of the haojiahe copper deposit, mouding county, Yunnan Province


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Abstract:The Haojiahe copper deposit in Mouding County, Yunnan Province was previously considered to be of syndepositional, syndiagenetic or deuterogenic origin. Through the investigation made in recent years, however, the authors hold that the ore deposit is genetically of sedimentary-reformation type. The ore district is located in the eastern part of the middle sector of the Central Yunnan Mesozoic interior basin, and the exposed strata comprise in upward succession purple mudstone of Puehanghe Formation(Lower Cretaceous), sandstone of Matoushan Formation and mudstone of Jiangdihe Formation (Upper Cretaceous).The major structures include the south-north Xiangduoji anticline, the NW-trending Shizishan anticline and the east-west F1 and F51 faults. Orebodies lenticular and podiform in shape occur in light-colored sandstone of Haojiahe Member of lower Matoushan Formation on the saddle of the Shizishan anticline, obviously controlled by concealed faults on the saddle of the anticline. Within the orebodies barren ”windows” and specimen ore veins are frequently observed. Mineral associations are simple, and copper minerals are dominated by chalcocite.Ore fabrics of hydrothermal filling-metasomatia origin are well developed, and there commonly exist postdepositional veinlike, spotted and cloud dry asphalt, with organic carbon showing positive correlation with Cu and Ag content. Light-colored beds encircle the saddle of the Shizisha nanticline and are in erratic contact with the purple bed; hence, penetrating bedding is commonly seen. These facts cannot be explained by the syndiagenetic viewpoint, rather, they can serve well as evidence for late reformation. Geochemical studies of the strata show that in Mesozoic strata of the region copper abundance tends to increase whereas organic carbon abundance tends to decrease from the lower part upward. Original copper content of the strata in the ore district is(55.6l~171.9)×10-6. Of these strata, the Puchanghe Formation and the lower purple bed of the Matoushan Formation are relatively enriched in copper and silver(Cu 119×10-6~171.9×10-6, Ag 0.51×10-6~2.09×10-6, and thus seem to be the major source bed. The close spatial relationship and the inheritance and consistency of minor elements between the orebodies and the purple bed all support the argument of late reformation. Geochemistry of the strata in the ore district also indicates the presence of a NW-trending copper-silver low-value zone in the overlying purple bed on the southwestern side of the Haoiiahe ore belt. This, combined with zonation of minerals and elements, suggests that copper and silver in the source bed once migrated upward and northeastward, i. e., they traveled from the deep high-pressure area at the southwestern limb of the anticline to the shallow low-pressure area at the saddle of the anticline to form the ore deposit. Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, sulfur and lead isotopic analyses and mineral inclusion measurements show that sulfur and lead came mainly from the strata, and ore-forming fluids were deep-circulatory underground hot brines characterized by low (somewhat intermediate) temperature , medium-low salinity, Medium-high-density and rich CO2, Late Yanshanian to early Himalayan folding formed the Shizishan anticline. Copper in the source bed was remobilized and ascended to the saddle of the a nticline, forming orebodies in the light-colored beds.

.1993.The sedimentary-reformation origin of the haojiahe copper deposit, mouding county, Yunnan Province[J].Mineral Deposits12(2):97~108
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