
Evidence for exhalative origin of the Dachang tin-polymetallic sulfide deposits —their geological and geochemical characteristics


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中文关键词:矿床地质  地球化学  大厂锡矿
Abstract:Cassiterite occurs in marketedly diverse forms in the Dachang tin-polyme-ta]lic sulfide field. There are at least two different types of mineralization: concordant stratiform continuous beds and discordant veins. The former is strictly confined within the siliceous host strata, stuggesting syngenetic sedimentary characteristics of the bedded mineralization, and the main orebodies themselves consist of these alternating cassiterite-rich thin layers and silicious rocks; the latter includes ladder veins within single beds, fissure veins or veinlets and large main veins. The veinlets transect a number of beds, but never penetrate the host strata; the large veins, however, usually cut all stratigraphic units from D13 to D33 Detailed investigation indicates that the primary stratiform main orebodies were originally sea-floor chemical preci-pirates from discharged hydrothermal fluids, and later underwent a complex, prolonged and continuous spectrum of deformation-metamorphism. This process commenced with digenetic compaction and lithification, and culminated in regional metamorphism, deformation and granitic plutonism. Successive deformation-metamorphism events not only reshaped the stratiform conformable orebodies, but also formed apparently different types of veins dy remobilization of ore-forming components from the primary Sn-enriched s trata, and greatly changed the structure, texture and mineralogical composition of the primary ores. Such phenomena as the secondary enlargement of syngenetic K-feldspar, the aggregated recrystallization of exhalative sulfides and the boudinage in primary bedded ores might have been formed during the diagenetic compaction stage or Indosinian-orogenies. A special study of cassiterite shows that mineralogica]characteristics and trace element geochemistry of this mineral from different types of mineralization are apparently affiliated with their modes of occurrence. Ti, Fe, Sc, V and W contents of cassiterite occurring in bedded mineralization are much lower than the contents of these elements in cassiterite from the large main veins related to granite, but things are just the opposite for Zn, Mn, Ba and S contents. Geochemical behavior of W in cassiterite from the various types of mineralization, in particular,demonstrates that cassiterite with high content of W was generated from the hydrothermal fluids affiliated with granite.Therefore, W and Mn+Ba appear to be in distinctly negative correlation. This undoubtedly indicates that Mn-_and Ba- high cassiterite occurring in stratiform orebdies is related to submarine hydrotherma]exhalative system. For the sake of comparison, we analysed the composition of pure seperated cassiterite from the Sullivan Nine of Canada which is generally considered to be of typical exhalative origin. Cassiterite from the Sullivan Mine is strikingly similar to that from the Dachang Mine in mineralogical and trace element geochemical characteristics, suggesting that these two ore districts share the identical formation conditions.The trace element geochemical data of cassiterite from sedimentary exhalative deposit presented in this paper are of great significance to the origin of some other tin deposits in the world.

.1990.Evidence for exhalative origin of the Dachang tin-polymetallic sulfide deposits —their geological and geochemical characteristics[J].Mineral Deposits9(4):309~324
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