
Evidence for hydrothermal exhalatlve sedimentary origin of the Dachang tin-polymetallic deposits-eochemistry of rare earth elements and trace elements of the host rocks


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中文摘要:对大厂锡矿床容矿岩石稀土元素地球化学研究表明,本矿区主要容矿岩石——硅质岩、富长石岩及电气石岩稀土元素总量低,具弱的Ce亏损,明显的Eu负异常。这些特点与某些 有代表性矿床中的热液喷气沉积岩一条带状燧石岩及电气石岩十分相似,证明了它们属于喷气沉积成因。相反,与主要容矿岩石互成条带的部分绢云母岩,含绢云母的长石岩等则稀土总量高,轻重稀土分馏明显,与北美页岩相似,具有陆源沉积或混合成因的特征。运用聚类分析的方法,这些岩石的微量元素地球化学分类与上述结果完全一致,为其成因进一步提供了佐证。
中文关键词:大厂锡矿  容矿岩石  地球化学
Abstract:Resu]ts of a REE study of the Devonian host rocks of the Dachang tinpolymetalic deposits indicate that the main host rocks including siliceous rocks, K-feldspar-rich rocks and tourmalinites are generally lower in total REE content, and show negative cerium anomalies and marked curopium depletions. The ratios ot LREEs vs. HREEs are lower than those of contemporaneous sediments derived from terrigenous material. All of these characterjstics are similar to those of bedded iron-bearing formations of middle-upper Proterozoic and younger age, and also to exhalites including bedded chert and tourmalinite in sofne massive sulfide deposits. This suggests that the main host rocks of the Dachang deposits ara of exhMative sedimentary origin. On the contrary, minor thin layers of sericitic and sericite-bearing feldspar-rich rock which are interbedded with the major siliceous host rock are generally higher in total REE content, and show an enrichment of LREEs over HREEs. These, therefore, have similar REE characteristics to those of the 40 (reference)North American shales. This indicates that the above two kinds of host rocks in Dachang were formed by a combination of terrigenous and exhalatiCe chemical sedimentaly Processes. Also, the contents of eight trace elements(Ti, Zr, Nb, Y, Sc, Ga, Ce, P) of the host rocks in the Dachang ore deposits were determined. Simply comparing the variation in trace element contents of the hot rocks in the Dachang ore deposits with that of bedded cher t and tourmalinite in some massive smfide deposits as well as with that of sandstone, limestone and shale, the authors fail to reveal any significant regularities among them. However, according to cluster analysis with the Euelidean distance of the trace element composition based on eleven parameters including contents of the above eight elements and ratios of Zr/TiO2, Nb/Y, Ga/Se, the geochemical classification of the host rocks in terms of the trace elements in the Dachang ore deposits shows markedly genetic significance: siliceous rocks, K-feldspar-rich rocks and tourmalinites could be classified as the group of exhalite-chert, and sericitic rocks and sericite-bearing feldspar-rich rocks could be assigned to the group of shales. Obviously, the geochemical characteristics of the trace elements, just like the REE characteristics, can provide new evidence for the role oI exhalative processes in the formation ol the Devonian host rocks in the Dachang tin-polymetallic ore field.

.1989.Evidence for hydrothermal exhalatlve sedimentary origin of the Dachang tin-polymetallic deposits-eochemistry of rare earth elements and trace elements of the host rocks[J].Mineral Deposits8(3):33~42
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