
Geological-geochemical characteristics and metallogenic material sources of the Wunugetushan lower crust porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit


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中文摘要:乌山斑岩铜钼矿床位于呼伦湖深断裂西北侧,哈尼沟次级断裂旁侧,产于复合火山管道相的内外接触带中。近矿围岩(黑云母花岗岩,187Ma)和成矿母岩(二长花岗斑岩,l 38Ma)分别起源于上、下地壳。矿区存在Mo的降低场,Mo系由围岩中活化转移而来。母岩主要提供Cu、S、Ag、Po、Zn,并提供热源。乌山矿床围岩蚀变属中心式面型蚀变类型,分带完整。从中心向外分为Q-Kf、Q-Ser、I-H三个蚀变带。Q-Kf带为气成一气液作用阶段产物,Mo成矿温度为410一340℃。Q-Ser带为高一中温热液阶段产物,Cu成矿温度为340一240℃。I-H带为中一低温热液阶段产物。矿石结构、金属矿物组合、成矿元素、挥发组分均具明显分带性。
Abstract:Located ln Manzhouli-Xinbaerhuyouqi area of Inner Mongolia. Mtmugetu shan(called Wushan for short)is the locality of a large-sized porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit. The NE-trending Eerguna-Hulun deep fracture revived intensely during Yanshanian period with volcanic-magmatic activities characterrized by multieyclicity. The Wushan ore deposit occurs within a small stock at the intersection of two groups of fractures, and is controlled by volcanic apparatus. Compared with the major copper(molybdenum)porphyries in China, the Wushan porphyry has higher acidity, differentiation index and rock-forming temperature.Both parent rocks and wall rocks of the Wushan ore deposit are post-collision granites. The nlagma was not derived from the mantle, the mezallogenic parent rock(monzonitic granite porphyry, 138Ma)was formed by partial melting of lower crust material, and the wall rock(biotite granite, 187Ma) was produced as a result of the remelting of the lower part of the upper crust. The replacement and alteration of the porphyry have resulted in the decrease in content of anorthite, the increase in degree of order of potash feldspar, the reduction of magnetite and apatite and the appearance of large quantities of rutile which serves as an imporrant indicator mineral for coppermolybdenum minelalizations. Silver, gold, platinum and palladium are rather high in pyrite and chalcopyrite, and molybdenite is rich in Re. The Wushan ore deposit is of central planar alteration type, and three alteration zones of Q—Kf, Q-Ser and I-H can be recognized from the center outwards, with the copper-molybdenum orebodies contained in(endo-)exo-contact zone of the porphyry body. Obvious zoning can be seen in such aspects as ore texture, assemblage of metallic minerals, metallogenic elements and volatiles. The study of hydrogen-oxygen isotopes, REE geochem istry and fluid inclusions indicates that meteoric water began to enter at the early stage of alteration, and later gradually intensified its influence until it played the dominant role. There exists superposition of alterations. The leaching and precipitation of REE are accompanied by extraction of metallogenic substances from the wall focks and the transformation of protore, and this is of great significance to metallogenesis. The Eu-deficiency has much to do with the mineralization the more obvious the Eu-deficiency, the better the mineralization. The metallogenie substances of the Wushan ore deposit are characterized by Mulltisources, and the parent rock is not the only material-supplier. There exists a Mo-depletion field in the ore district, and molybdenum comes from the wall rocks through activation and transference. The parent rocks mainly supply such metallogenic substances as copper, sulfur, silver, lead and zinc and serve as the thermal source.

.1988.Geological-geochemical characteristics and metallogenic material sources of the Wunugetushan lower crust porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit[J].Mineral Deposits7(4):3~15
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