
The prospect of potash search in the cretaceous-paleogene basins of eastern china as viewed from paleogeographical evolution


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Abstract:On the basis of the paleogeographic development and evolution, the prospect in search for Cretaceous-Paleogene potash-deposits in the region between the Yinshan-Yanshan Mountains and the Nanling Mountains of eastern China is discussed in this paper. An analysis of the paleotectonic and paleogeographic development that this region has some favorable conditions for potash prospecting. 1.In Cretaceous and Paleogene, there were a lot of sedimentary some of which had subsided deeply, forming uncompensational basins. During the evolution of the basins, lots of small basins might be confluent at times to give birth to some vast basins.In the late Cretaceous, the size of the basins reached the maximum, thus providing a vast basin for salt-deposition. From the paleogeographic and sedimentation characteristics, this region can be divided into some diffferent basin areas and uplift areas: 1)North China basin area;2)Sangdong-Jiaugsu uplift area; 3)Nan(yang)-Xiang(yang)basin area; 4)Jianghan-Dongting basin area; 5)Jiangsu-Anhui basin area; and 6)Fujian-Zhejiang-Jiangxi uplift area. In tile upilft areas, there existed only a few small faulted basins, but in the basin areas, there occurred some large basins, thus more favorable for the salt-deposition. 2.Sinze the Late Mesozoic, this region has been controlled by the arid climate zone, showing the tendency of continuous northward movement of the arid climate zone and the progressive intensification of the aridity. As a result, the gypsum and salt deposits are wide!y distributed. There were four main sale-deposition periods in Cretaceous-paleogene: 1)early Late Cretaceous(K12); 2)Paleocene-early Eocene(E1-E12); 3)late Eocene(E23); 4)early Oligocene(E12). Different periods had different salt-deposition ranges and sizes, and among them the third period seemed to be the optimum period in that the distribution of salt-deposits was most extensive and there were sonic manifestations of potash salt; it was therefore the most favorable period for salt-deposition. 3.There were various kinds of salt material supplies. Besides the terrigenous supplies, the transgression during the Cretaceous-Paleogene was one of the most important means of material supply for salt-deposition in the basins. In addition,the supply from the depth of the crust ought not to be ignored either. 4.Tile periodicity of tectonic movement was another important factor. When the tectonism was intense, the geomorphology became contractive, forruing solne closed basins; when the tectonic activities became comparatively weak, the brine was likely to concentrate through evaporation, thus forming sait deposits. The alternate active and stable tectonic periods made up favorable tectonic conditions for salt-deposition. Due attention should also be paid to some unfavorable factors, such as the periodical desalination of basin water in the process of salt-deposition, the development of numerous fractures in basins, and the deep burial of salt-bearing sequences. Nevertheless, the search for potash deposits in this region is On the whole of brilliant prospect.

.1988.The prospect of potash search in the cretaceous-paleogene basins of eastern china as viewed from paleogeographical evolution[J].Mineral Deposits7(3):79~88
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