Abstract:The Shishan and Fengshan deposits, two main ore deposits in the Yimen copper ore district, were long considered to be of terrigenous metamorphosed sedimentary origin. Nevertheless, the authors have found plenty of volcanic materials both in the ore-hosting strata of the Shishan deposit and in the breccia of the Fengshan deposit, suggesting that the name of the rock in the ore-hosting strata of the Shishan deposit should be revised and that the genetic mechanism of the breccia in the Fengshan deposit should be reconsidered, i. e., instead of being called" tectonic breccia", the name "volcanic chimney breccia pipe" ought to be used. A further research shows that the ore deposit is genetically related to volccuiic rock and breccia pipe. The authors have thus advanced a new view on the genesis of the ore deposit and set up a new volcanic metallogenic model.The supposition about the presence of some copper orebodies at depth put forward on the basis of this new idea has been proved by drilling. As a lot of breccia is developed along the periphery of Yimen ore district, favorable conditions do exist for applying the new idea to the prospecting for new ore deposits.
施林道,姜福芝,卢海亚,杨兵.1988.云南易门铜矿成因新见及其找矿意义[J].矿床地质,7(2):12~20.1988.A new view on the genesis of Yimen copper deposit in Yunnan province and its ore-prospecting significance[J].Mineral Deposits7(2):12~20