
Geological Characteristics Of A Native Sulfur Deposit In The East Wenkou Basin, Shandong Province


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Abstract:The East Wenkou basin is located on the Mesozoic-Cenozoic faulted subsidence-depression tectonic system of east China with a great fault of long active duration lying along the north edge. In the middle of the basin accumulated Early Tertiary Wenkou Formation 2700 m in thickness, characterized lithologically by such carbonate and sulfate rocks as dolomite, gypsum, micrite, marl, argillaceous limestone and argillite. A gigantic sedimentary native sulfur deposit was found in this Formation not long ago! this discovery bears great significance not only in national economy but in the study of metallogeny of this kind of deposits as well. Native sulfur beds occur in Wenkou Formation} the sulfur-bearing sedimentary rocks are distributed relatively extensively and characterized by gentle slope. Ores belong largely to native sulfur-argillaceous dolomite type, native sulfur-argillaceous limestone type and secondarily to native sulfur-gypsum type, native sulfur-sandstone type and native sulfur-oil shale type. Native sulfur occurs mostly as yellow or brownish-yellow aphanitic and amorphous colloforms and to a less amount, as yellowish-green crystalline sulfur. Ore occurrences are seen following the bedding, approximately following the bedding or discordant to the bedding. Single ore beds axe generally from several centimeters to several meters in thickness, and even reach 11-12 m under certain circumstances; the roof and floor of the ore bed are mostly composed of gypsum bed or carbonate strata with 6-33% sulfur (9-10% on average). Native sulfur appears in multiple thin layers with distinct cyclothem. Ores are principally products of epigenetic sedimentation. Litbologic association and paleontologic character suggest that sulfur-bearing system resulted from sedimentation of alternative sea-terrestrial facies in continental margin sea. Gypsum and anhydrite beds must have had a most important bearing on the formation of native sulfur; the authors investigation favors the theory that ores were produced through the reduction of gypsum or anhydrite under the action of bacteria.

阎俊峰, 邹传刚, 陈延成, 赵玉文, 刘丰勤.1984.汶东盆地自然硫矿床地质特征[J].矿床地质,3(4):61~70
.1984.Geological Characteristics Of A Native Sulfur Deposit In The East Wenkou Basin, Shandong Province[J].Mineral Deposits3(4):61~70
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