Abstract:Mineral prediction type is a kind of mineral resources classification from the perspective of prediction, which is based on the "deposit model", and it is a bridge between the metallogenic regularity and the methods of metallogenic prediction. This paper divides gold deposit prediction types into 80 deposit models by gold metallogenic conditions in 6 administrative regions of China from the view of holistic time, they are according to the lately achievement of prospecting and research, and base on the 8 categories and 15 subcategories in The Classification Scheme for Prediction Types of Major Mineral Resource. Taking the "deposit model" as basic unit, the classification scheme of gold mineralization prediction could convert the prospecting thought from "from the effect to the effect" to "from the cause to the effect", under the guidance of "holistic mineralization". It is helpful to expand the prospecting thinking by the following four conditions of "deep, shallow, far and near" in the process of gold ore prediction, that the initial source of ore-forming materials is from deep earth, the emplacement of ore-forming magma-tic rocks is shallow, the distance of fluid migration is far, and the transport distance of the weathering and denudation is near. It is possible to conduct on-site ore exploration based on the known deposit types, and to discover new deposits based on the mineralization conditions and the mineralization patterns of knowned gold deposits in adjacent areas, when conducting mineralization prediction for medium to large scale gold deposits in specific regions.
keywords:mineral resource prediction type gold deposit deposit model holistic mineralization prospecting thought
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