Abstract:This paper deals with geological_geochemical features of the only independent thallium deposit so far discovered in eastern Anhui Province. The Hexian County is located in the transitional area of the Yangtze block, the North China Block and the Dabie Orogenic Belt. The host strata of the Xiangquan thallium deposit are Lower Ordovician Lunshan Formation, and the main ore_control structures are Xiaoshan_Xiaolongshan_Dalongshan anticline and two reversed faults (F1 and F2). The thallium deposit consists mainly of one ore body which is generally stratoid and lenticular in form and extends in accord with the strike of the strata. Alteration is on the whole weak, and the main alteration types are fluoritization, baritization, quartzification, carbonation and limonitization. Thallium is mainly hosted by pyrite. In pyrite, thallium occurs mainly as tiny individual grains in fractures of pyrite, with the rest in the crystal lattices of pyrite. The deposit was formed during the submarine hydrothermal ore_forming period and the epithermal reformation metallogenic period, with the former being dominant. Studies of the Xiangquan thallium deposit show that thallium, as a disperse element, can form not only polymetallic deposits but also independent thallium deposits.
keywords:geology, thallium, pyrite, independent deposit, disperse element, Xiangquan in Hexian County
范 裕,周涛发,袁 峰,张千明,吴明安,侯明金,胡清华.2007.安徽和县香泉独立铊矿床的地质地球化学特征及成因探讨[J].矿床地质,26(6):597~608.2007.Geological_geochemical features and genesis of Xiangquan independent thallium deposit in Hexian County, Anhui Province[J].Mineral Deposits26(6):597~608